Automakers don't think Tesla Full Self-Driving is genuine, according to Elon Musk

Tesla Full Self-Driving Beta Hero

As Tesla attempts to sell FSD licenses, Elon Musk claims that other manufacturers do not think that Full Self-Driving (FSD) is "real."

Musk did mention in 2021 that he had preliminary conversations about licensing self-driving technology with other automakers, but those talks ended in stalemate.

The CEO of Tesla said last year that the company would be willing to license FSD and Autopilot to other automakers.

Investors questioned Musk about discussions with other manufacturers on the licensing of FSD during Tesla's Q4 conference call, which took place after the company's profits were announced.

Although other manufacturers have discussed it with Tesla, according to the CEO, they don't think it's "real":

I really think lots of car companies should be asking for FSD licenses. And we’ve had some tentative conversations, but I think they don’t believe it’s real quite yet. I think that that will become obvious probably this year. 

Musk then made another plea to automakers' CEOs to speak with Tesla over FSD license.

Recently, Tesla began rolling out the FSD Beta v12 upgrade, which incorporates an end-to-end neural net architecture overhaul. Neural nets did not power the vehicle's controls previously.

The CEO had before said that FSD v12 will not be released in "beta," but this hasn't happened.

Drivers participating in the FSD Beta program must always maintain a steady hand on the steering wheel and be prepared to take over.

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